Call for Nominations

The Greater Corner Brook Board of Trade is preparing to host the 2022 Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers. The event will be taking place during November 2022 with full details to follow.

Nominations are now being accepted for Board of Director positions. The deadline to submit your nomination form is November 14, 2022.

The GCBBT seeks qualified individuals for election to the Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning immediately following the 2022 Annual General Meeting on November 29, 2022. GCBBT Board seats are volunteer positions without remuneration.

The GCBBT Board of Directors is made up of a maximum of 11 members (of these, 1 member seat is automatically assigned as is held by the Past President).

All Board directors should be qualified, competent and have a strong sense of ethics and integrity. Acceptance of nominations is based on a specific set of skills and experience.

Ideal candidates demonstrate these core competencies:

  1. Active member of the local business community

2. Experience as an entrepreneur/business owner/operator and/or manager is an asset

3. A solid knowledge of issues facing entrepreneurs/business owners/operators and/or
managers in the Greater Corner Brook region

Time Commitment: Board members are expected to participate in all Board meetings (held virtually or in-person) which constitutes approximately 2 hours monthly, participate in-person at GCBBT events (as available to attend) and participate on a sub-committee (1-2 hours monthly as required).

All nominees must either be a GCBBT Member or be willing to become a Member for, at minimum, the term of the Board position. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nomination of Executive Positions

Nomination of Director Positions